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This deck contains 60 cards featuring the characters from Ultimate NPCs: Warfare at levels 1 and 4. This is a perfect accessory to use along side Ultimate NPCs: Warfare as it gives you a quick reference stat block and an excellent full color graphic of the character to show your players! Digital downloads come in two sizes Letter and A4. This Ultimate NPCs: Warfare (5E) PDF Preview $ 0.00. Add to cart. Sold By: Nord Games. Quick View. Ultimate NPCs: Skulduggery (5E) PDF Preview $ 0.00. Add to cart. Sold By: Nord Games. Featured Products. Treacherous Traps Deck Level 1-4 (5E) Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 5.00 – $ 17.50; Fates & Fortunes (5E) Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 5.00 – $ 15.00; The Dreaded Accursed - Monster Reference Deck 2 (5E 200+ pages of excellent NPCs and pre-built characters at level 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20. Statblocks, roleplaying cues, stories and more! PDF. Home / GM/Player Resources Ultimate NPCs: Warfare Print N’ Play Character Card Decks $ 10.00. These deck contains 45 – 60 cards featuring the characters from Ultimate NPCs: Warfare at levels 1 – 20 and Generic NPCs. This is a perfect accessory to use along side Ultimate NPCs: Warfare as it gives you a quick reference stat block and an excellent full color graphic of the character to Receive a Hardcover & PDF version of Ultimate NPCs: Warfare for 5th Edition, plus all 4 reference decks. This is an $82 value! Shipping fees to be collected through Backerkit after the campaign. See FAQs for more information and estimated costs. Master the Arcane! Be one of only three backers to immortalize your own character in the next book in the Ultimate NPCs series. You'll collaborate
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