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25/1/2011 · Dell Inspiron 1520 / 1521 DVD CD Optical Drive. Step 1. Remove the battery. On the bottom of the laptop, unscrew the single 2.5mm x 5mm retaining screw. Use a screw driver to slide the optical drive out of the bay by pushing on the metal bracket where the screw was. ZOL中关村在线驱动下载频道提供戴尔 Inspiron 1520系列笔记本显卡驱动下载下载,为您购买、安装、升级戴尔 Inspiron 1520系列笔记本显卡驱动下载提供帮助, 解决您在戴尔 Inspiron 1520系列笔记本显卡驱动下载使用过程中的困惑. DELL戴尔Inspiron 1520笔记本Dell Wireless 355蓝牙设备最新驱动5.1.0.3400版For WinXP(2009年6月9日新增) DELL戴尔Inspiron DELL戴尔Inspiron 1520笔记本触摸板最新驱动10.1.2版For WinXP/Vista(2009年6月9日新增) DELL戴尔Inspiron 1520笔记本触摸板 Dell 戴尔 Inspiron 1520 触摸板驱动下载For Windows XP/Vista。 This Dell Inspiron 1520 drive writes 4.7GB of data in about five and a half minutes to DVD+R, and supports all DVD formats. DRIVERS INSPIRON 1520 DVD WINDOWS 7 DOWNLOAD (2020). Dell video / graphics drivers download for windows 10, 8. Notebook laptop customized, pp22l audio circuit board. Audio circuit board removal, pp22l related products, guides specifications dell inspiron. Year warranty free tech.