Lippincott图解药理学作为Lippincott图解书系列的一种,为读者提供了一种全新的学习模式,易于阅读、使用方便。《Lippincott图解药理学 纸质版 101.10元 图解生物化学 Richard A. Harvey、Denise R. Ferrier / 林德馨 / 科学出版社 / 2011-6 / 139.00元 (少于10 Not many people can say they’ve braved Wyoming’s wilderness – and even fewer can say they did so when they were teenagers. But as a senior in high school, the idea of scaling boulders, foraging for food, and eluding lumbering grizzly bears captured Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz’s imagination. Her graduation gift was a wilderness training course culminating in a multiday You found me! Thanks for checking out my page. I'm just trying to do the things I love. I hope you enjoy my work! For any work related questions please email me at Thanks for stopping by! - Stuart Lippincott Williams & Wilkins(LWW)出版超过280种医学期刊,为全球众多医师、专业临床医生、护理人员和医科学生提供高质量全文资源。 [ 校内访问入口 ]
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《Lippincott图解药理学》作为第四版,增加了125条综述问题,全部章节均进行了修订,添加了最新的药理学理论和临床治疗,更加注重理论与实际的结合。《 教材•药理学(第7版)》是按照卫生部临床医学专业教材评审委员会第七轮规划教材修订工作的原则和意见对《药理学》第6版进行修订的新版本。